Tuesday, October 02, 2007


On this day 2nd October I would like to write on this topic-Tolerance which was supposed to be followed by every individual.

India was known in the world among other things as a land where the tolerance level was high. In our holy books it has been given a high value and forgiveness was taught in our early days in school. But are we losing it??

I am working in a bank (but I think it is the same in other banks also) and there everyday someone or the other shouts at the employees for petty reasons. One day the BSNL line was down and the systems were not working and people started using abusive languages. Token system was introduced to reduce long queues but still some people were dissatisfied with the system. Dissatisfied is a different thing and using abusive languages is altogether a different thing.

The case is not locally but far flung cases also affect us. The cartoon case regarding Prophet happened in a different continent but here in UP there was strike and around 3-4 people were killed. Iraq war affects us, cartoon cases affects us etc. Is it the gift of globalization?

But in a way is it not we are losing our tolerance. No place in this world is safe today. Africa and Middle East is full of trouble, Asian countries are also facing crises and Western countries which was relatively away from terrorism is now facing constant threats and blasts are becoming common. Not to talk about blasts and strikes in India. In Assam it is stated that in an average 3 blasts happen in a week i.e. blasts every alternate day. Nowadays every other person believes in violent solution. Rape cases and murders are now happening in every locality. Suicide cases are also rising, joint family broke into nuclear families but it is still becoming small. Father, mother and son cannot stay together. Forget about friends or enemies (though enemies should not be there) even brothers, sisters’ rivalry are also rising.

In schools where peace and tolerance should be taught is also not safe. Teachers are becoming devils. Money is playing a major part in a student’s selection, exam results and so on. If we compare western countries students are becoming killers of their fellow students.

Whatever may be the reason- job insecurity, less money, living away from family members, desire to achieve everything within our life time etc the main thing is that we are losing our tolerance level and if we go on like this we may be a developed country one day but we will not be happy. AND IF WE ARE NOT HAPPY THEN WHAT ARE W E LIVING FOR????

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