Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Recruitment or just formalities…. (Comment on Narayana Murthy’s statement that 80% of students passing out are not suitable for job)
Recruitment is defined as the process of identifying the prospective employees, stimulating and encouraging them to apply for a particular job or jobs in the organization. While selection comes after that if the candidates are found suitable in the respective positions applied.
It is quite fashionable nowadays to say that there is lack of talented people. Big icons like Narayana Murthy said that 80 % of the graduates passing out are not eligible for jobs. They say that there is no updating of syllabi and all sort of things. But I believe that the problem lies in the identification of talented people. I believe that they recruit wrong people (for whatever reasons) and then they pass such comments.
I will state the following things that happened during our campus recruitment in our PGDM course.
In colleges due to huge numbers applying for a particular job, the first round to eliminate is of GD. They are supposed to find out people who are aggressive (for sales), see their communication skills and attitudes etc. But is it what happens during GD! Not once but nearly 4-5 times it happened that the person who has not opened their mouth are asked by the observer to conclude the GD and in the end they are selected in the GD. IS IT FAIR??
We are told that during GD we should not be stopping others from speaking by abruptly stopping them or not giving them chance. I attended nearly 15 GDs and still I could not make out on what basis they select. Some speak continuously disturbing others, shouting and some even don’t open their mouth or hardly speak once or twice and they are selected. Then how can you make out what to do in a GD. IS IT FAIR??
Some also conduct written test but they hardly declare the cut off and even some are selected without writing the test. Some even fail in the test but as the requirement has to be fulfilled they are also called for interview. Then what is the point in taking the test. IS IT FAIR?? ( I forgot the name of company but it was a reputed company)
Then coming to the Personal Interview, it is even more frustrating. I believe that I had seen enough nonsense. One person’s resume was not selected. He did not even attend the GD. But he asked some questions that impressed the interviewers and he was called for PI and was selected. Then what was the basis of rejecting his CV initially. What about the so called GD. IS IT FAIR??(The company was RPG Spencer)
Another company Eurotech (a furniture company) was mind blowing. There were about 30 persons for the selection round. They called five people at a time and then described about their company, told us what were the company doing, their business operation, and job profile and in the end asked if there were any questions. After all were told about the company I was shocked that some students were rejected. I could not understand that without interview only telling them about the company the decision of rejection was made. IS IT FAIR??
Then there were place preferences like knowledge of local knowledge and local area. I do understand that for sales it is necessary. But the problem lies with the recruiter. They tell that all can apply. But they reject non-local candidates. One company (Reliance communications) came for recruitment. I asked the recruiter whether knowledge of local language is necessary. They straight forward said no. After the GD when I went for the PI they said that the placement is in Kerala and the job was of recruitment, and hence knowledge of local language was necessary. Then they could have said at the beginning but they don’t. It is frustrating to go through all the process and tension and to hear that due to useless reasons one is not selected. And then there is preference for lady candidates. I hope I don’t have to elaborate on this. IS IT FAIR??
Then after selection there are many formalities that they don’t tell at the time of giving offer letter. Indiabulls recruited some students but at the point of joining they were told that they have to clear some examinations otherwise they will not be allowed to work further in the company. They could have told this so that they can have taken the necessary preparation. And also (ICICIPru) they recruited people for some profile and during joining students were given different profiles then what was promised. Naukri came for position in Mumbai but later the posting was made in Bangalore. IS IT FAIR??
It is only a part of the things that has happened. Many more such things happened. Their main job is to fill the vacancies. Then after that, passing comments that 80% of students passing out are not suitable for job is totally unjustified. N. Murthy and others have reached a position when their sayings get great publicity and are believed upon. But it is not so and if the recruitment is made in a proper way then such complaints will go and also the attrition rate will come down drastically.
So these people instead of passing comments which are morally discouraging for the students they should take care that the recruitment and selection process are to the best standards, so that the problems are resolved.
Recruitment is defined as the process of identifying the prospective employees, stimulating and encouraging them to apply for a particular job or jobs in the organization. While selection comes after that if the candidates are found suitable in the respective positions applied.
It is quite fashionable nowadays to say that there is lack of talented people. Big icons like Narayana Murthy said that 80 % of the graduates passing out are not eligible for jobs. They say that there is no updating of syllabi and all sort of things. But I believe that the problem lies in the identification of talented people. I believe that they recruit wrong people (for whatever reasons) and then they pass such comments.
I will state the following things that happened during our campus recruitment in our PGDM course.
In colleges due to huge numbers applying for a particular job, the first round to eliminate is of GD. They are supposed to find out people who are aggressive (for sales), see their communication skills and attitudes etc. But is it what happens during GD! Not once but nearly 4-5 times it happened that the person who has not opened their mouth are asked by the observer to conclude the GD and in the end they are selected in the GD. IS IT FAIR??
We are told that during GD we should not be stopping others from speaking by abruptly stopping them or not giving them chance. I attended nearly 15 GDs and still I could not make out on what basis they select. Some speak continuously disturbing others, shouting and some even don’t open their mouth or hardly speak once or twice and they are selected. Then how can you make out what to do in a GD. IS IT FAIR??
Some also conduct written test but they hardly declare the cut off and even some are selected without writing the test. Some even fail in the test but as the requirement has to be fulfilled they are also called for interview. Then what is the point in taking the test. IS IT FAIR?? ( I forgot the name of company but it was a reputed company)
Then coming to the Personal Interview, it is even more frustrating. I believe that I had seen enough nonsense. One person’s resume was not selected. He did not even attend the GD. But he asked some questions that impressed the interviewers and he was called for PI and was selected. Then what was the basis of rejecting his CV initially. What about the so called GD. IS IT FAIR??(The company was RPG Spencer)
Another company Eurotech (a furniture company) was mind blowing. There were about 30 persons for the selection round. They called five people at a time and then described about their company, told us what were the company doing, their business operation, and job profile and in the end asked if there were any questions. After all were told about the company I was shocked that some students were rejected. I could not understand that without interview only telling them about the company the decision of rejection was made. IS IT FAIR??
Then there were place preferences like knowledge of local knowledge and local area. I do understand that for sales it is necessary. But the problem lies with the recruiter. They tell that all can apply. But they reject non-local candidates. One company (Reliance communications) came for recruitment. I asked the recruiter whether knowledge of local language is necessary. They straight forward said no. After the GD when I went for the PI they said that the placement is in Kerala and the job was of recruitment, and hence knowledge of local language was necessary. Then they could have said at the beginning but they don’t. It is frustrating to go through all the process and tension and to hear that due to useless reasons one is not selected. And then there is preference for lady candidates. I hope I don’t have to elaborate on this. IS IT FAIR??
Then after selection there are many formalities that they don’t tell at the time of giving offer letter. Indiabulls recruited some students but at the point of joining they were told that they have to clear some examinations otherwise they will not be allowed to work further in the company. They could have told this so that they can have taken the necessary preparation. And also (ICICIPru) they recruited people for some profile and during joining students were given different profiles then what was promised. Naukri came for position in Mumbai but later the posting was made in Bangalore. IS IT FAIR??
It is only a part of the things that has happened. Many more such things happened. Their main job is to fill the vacancies. Then after that, passing comments that 80% of students passing out are not suitable for job is totally unjustified. N. Murthy and others have reached a position when their sayings get great publicity and are believed upon. But it is not so and if the recruitment is made in a proper way then such complaints will go and also the attrition rate will come down drastically.
So these people instead of passing comments which are morally discouraging for the students they should take care that the recruitment and selection process are to the best standards, so that the problems are resolved.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Mind Vs Heart
Sometimes it happens that we are in a perplexed state as to which one to follow the heart or the brain. I am also not able to make up as which is the best option. In some cases it happens that following the call of mind is best because you tend to make logical decision and you don’t take it in your heart if there are negative results. But in some other cases you feel that you don’t think about the results; you feel like doing it and you go ahead and do it.
I feel that in cases relating to your personal life per say your inner feelings it is better if you go for the call of your heart. This you give you sometimes happiness and sometimes dejection but at least you will have no regrets. But in case of some materialistic needs it’s wise to go for what your mind says. Suppose you love somebody then just go ahead and tell. He/she may accept your proposal or reject it or sometimes will not say anything. But atleast you will be relaxed that you have said what you feel. In this case you can follow the mind also. You can make relations taking the future aspects, talk what needs to tb told etc but here you will not feel mental satisfaction as you will not be doing what you want to do.
In other case if you have Rs 100 to spend on something you may either spend it or save it. If you have a strong desire to spend it just go ahead and spend it. Don’t think what you will have in the future. Enjoy that moment. Otherwise you may think of the future and save then save until you find that the time to spend has passed away and there is no thing left to spend upon. If you spent then also you may have less money in the future, but atleast you have enjoyed that particular moment.
If God has sent you here, He has a purpose. You are playing a role here. Till you finish your role all the resources will be provided by Him. You don’t need to think about it. There is a saying in Bengali which goes like this-“Whoever has sent you on this earth will provide you with food and security”. One way or the other you will get all that you want. You need not worry on these aspects. JUST GO AND DO WHAT YOU WANT. But in all this cases do remember not to heart others feelings.
Sometimes it happens that we are in a perplexed state as to which one to follow the heart or the brain. I am also not able to make up as which is the best option. In some cases it happens that following the call of mind is best because you tend to make logical decision and you don’t take it in your heart if there are negative results. But in some other cases you feel that you don’t think about the results; you feel like doing it and you go ahead and do it.
I feel that in cases relating to your personal life per say your inner feelings it is better if you go for the call of your heart. This you give you sometimes happiness and sometimes dejection but at least you will have no regrets. But in case of some materialistic needs it’s wise to go for what your mind says. Suppose you love somebody then just go ahead and tell. He/she may accept your proposal or reject it or sometimes will not say anything. But atleast you will be relaxed that you have said what you feel. In this case you can follow the mind also. You can make relations taking the future aspects, talk what needs to tb told etc but here you will not feel mental satisfaction as you will not be doing what you want to do.
In other case if you have Rs 100 to spend on something you may either spend it or save it. If you have a strong desire to spend it just go ahead and spend it. Don’t think what you will have in the future. Enjoy that moment. Otherwise you may think of the future and save then save until you find that the time to spend has passed away and there is no thing left to spend upon. If you spent then also you may have less money in the future, but atleast you have enjoyed that particular moment.
If God has sent you here, He has a purpose. You are playing a role here. Till you finish your role all the resources will be provided by Him. You don’t need to think about it. There is a saying in Bengali which goes like this-“Whoever has sent you on this earth will provide you with food and security”. One way or the other you will get all that you want. You need not worry on these aspects. JUST GO AND DO WHAT YOU WANT. But in all this cases do remember not to heart others feelings.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The best days of a man's life is his childhood
The best days of a man's love life is his schooldays(adolescence)
Many things bring a smile to our lips, when u think about them,
But universally the one thing that always makes u blush is ur first love,
The first love, in every one life's is something so special
when u think of school days, especially ur 11th/12th/ junior college, it reminds u of those
giggles, those blushings, those so so so special moments
oh how gr8 was it then if u could jus get a glimpse of ur crush
or u wud have been in cloud 9 if she had asked u a pen or maybe she said an excuse me
School crush is a very sweet and simple and innocent crush
So many small things like lookin at the corner of ur eyes, or even smiling seemed to make us happy
How very special was it, when he actually proposed over the phone,
or when she said yes, smiling shyly at u
wow u wud hav felt like dying right there
At an age so tender, so innocent, simple things made us so happy and so excited
But now, in our twenties and thirties we are so confused and unsatisfied with life
A few years back, such small things made us so happy, a kiss seemed like the biggest
thing that u ever wanted...and now we don’t even care about the peck on our cheek
growing up, facing the world has hit us so hard....
losing innocence,,, and workin so hard has taken the charm out of our life
but atleast sweet memories of those special days still brings us a tinge of happiness॥
SCHOOL LOVE....So Simple...So Special...........
The best days of a man's life is his childhood
The best days of a man's love life is his schooldays(adolescence)
Many things bring a smile to our lips, when u think about them,
But universally the one thing that always makes u blush is ur first love,
The first love, in every one life's is something so special
when u think of school days, especially ur 11th/12th/ junior college, it reminds u of those
giggles, those blushings, those so so so special moments
oh how gr8 was it then if u could jus get a glimpse of ur crush
or u wud have been in cloud 9 if she had asked u a pen or maybe she said an excuse me
School crush is a very sweet and simple and innocent crush
So many small things like lookin at the corner of ur eyes, or even smiling seemed to make us happy
How very special was it, when he actually proposed over the phone,
or when she said yes, smiling shyly at u
wow u wud hav felt like dying right there
At an age so tender, so innocent, simple things made us so happy and so excited
But now, in our twenties and thirties we are so confused and unsatisfied with life
A few years back, such small things made us so happy, a kiss seemed like the biggest
thing that u ever wanted...and now we don’t even care about the peck on our cheek
growing up, facing the world has hit us so hard....
losing innocence,,, and workin so hard has taken the charm out of our life
but atleast sweet memories of those special days still brings us a tinge of happiness॥
SCHOOL LOVE....So Simple...So Special...........
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Meaning of OM
Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, "I am only one -- may I become many." This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was Om. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest approach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become emblematic of Brahman just as images are emblematic of material objects.
The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called Pranava, meaning that it sustains life and runs through Prana or breath. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the "Turiya" state.
Because the first of the three states of consciousness is the waking state, it is represented by the sound "A" pronounced like "A" in accounting. Because the dream state of consciousness lies between the waking and the deep sleep states, it is represented by the letter "U" which lies between the "A" and "M". This "U" is pronounced like the "U" in would. The last state of consciousness is the deep sleep state and is represented by "M" pronounced as in "sum". This closes the pronunciation of Om just as deep sleep is the final stage of the mind at rest. Whenever Om is recited in succession there is an inevitable period of silence between two successive Oms. This silence represents the "fourth state" known as "Turiya" which is the state of perfect bliss when the individual self recognizes his identity with the supreme.
Before the beginning, the Brahman (absolute reality) was one and non-dual. It thought, "I am only one -- may I become many." This caused a vibration which eventually became sound, and this sound was Om. Creation itself was set in motion by the vibration of Om. The closest approach to Brahman is that first sound, Om. Thus, this sacred symbol has become emblematic of Brahman just as images are emblematic of material objects.
The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om is also called Pranava, meaning that it sustains life and runs through Prana or breath. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the "Turiya" state.
Because the first of the three states of consciousness is the waking state, it is represented by the sound "A" pronounced like "A" in accounting. Because the dream state of consciousness lies between the waking and the deep sleep states, it is represented by the letter "U" which lies between the "A" and "M". This "U" is pronounced like the "U" in would. The last state of consciousness is the deep sleep state and is represented by "M" pronounced as in "sum". This closes the pronunciation of Om just as deep sleep is the final stage of the mind at rest. Whenever Om is recited in succession there is an inevitable period of silence between two successive Oms. This silence represents the "fourth state" known as "Turiya" which is the state of perfect bliss when the individual self recognizes his identity with the supreme.
The Symbol ॐ!
Just as the sound of Om represents the four states of Brahman, the symbol Om written in Sanskrit also represents everything. The material world of the waking state is symbolized by the large lower curve. The deep sleep state is represented by the upper left curve. The dream state, lying between the waking state below and the deep sleep state above, emanates from the confluence of the two. The point and semicircle are separate from the rest and rule the whole. The point represents the turiya state of absolute consciousnessThe open semicircle is symbolic of the infinite and the fact that the meaning of the point can not be grasped if one limits oneself to finite thinking.
The Power of Chanting ॐ!
1। The chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and infuses new vigour in the body.
2। When you feel depressed, chant Om fifty times and you will be filled with new vigour and strength. The chanting of Om is a powerful tonic. When you chant Om, you feel you are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness.
3। Those who chant Om will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever you take a stroll, you can chant Om. You can also sing Om in a beautiful way. The rythmic pronunciation of Om makes the mind serene and pointed, and infuses the spiritual qualifications which ensure self-realization.
4. Those who do meditation of Om daily will get tremendous power. They will have lustre in their eyes and faces.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine’s Day? Friendship Day, Mothers Day and what else?
Today people are celebrating Valentine’s Day, so it’s appropriate to write on this issue today.
Valentine’s Day …Why? People say to celebrate love and express love. I feel that it is absurd. No, not Valentine’s Day; I am not against it. But by the way in which everything is reduced to materialism and concentrated on a particular day. I feel it is absurd by the day MNCs are dictating our lives. Now MNCs will tell us what and when to do. To wish our fiancée we need a Valentine’s Day. To wish our father that we care for you, we need a Father’s Day; to tell our mother how much we love her, we again need Mother’s Day; for friends Friendship Day and so on. Each and every occasion is being reduced to a day. Do we need such days to express our feelings? Then we are force feed that it is better if we do it with roses, cards, gifts etc. A MARKETING GIMMICK!
Today people are celebrating Valentine’s Day, so it’s appropriate to write on this issue today.
Valentine’s Day …Why? People say to celebrate love and express love. I feel that it is absurd. No, not Valentine’s Day; I am not against it. But by the way in which everything is reduced to materialism and concentrated on a particular day. I feel it is absurd by the day MNCs are dictating our lives. Now MNCs will tell us what and when to do. To wish our fiancée we need a Valentine’s Day. To wish our father that we care for you, we need a Father’s Day; to tell our mother how much we love her, we again need Mother’s Day; for friends Friendship Day and so on. Each and every occasion is being reduced to a day. Do we need such days to express our feelings? Then we are force feed that it is better if we do it with roses, cards, gifts etc. A MARKETING GIMMICK!
Another point is that, in the end where are we heading to! Making boyfriends, girlfriends is more of a peer group pressure than a matter of heart (my experience, no research to prove). Living together and ‘enjoying’ is becoming a fashion. I have seen people committed for 5 years and still they are dating others. They say it is ‘filling the gap’. Girls are losing their virginity, they say ‘entertainment, modern, stress reducing’ and what not. Men are passing comments on every passing women, dating multiple ‘friends’ but in the end they are marrying whom their mamma selects. And he also burns her if he gets fewer dowries. Are we modern? Are we going towards materialistic society? Where are we heading to???
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Sensex and Nifty reported 4th day consecutive losses on Tuesday. I fear that the bullish run is going to see an end for the Sensex in 2007.
The reason why I am saying this is that the interest rates is going up. It is likely to increase a little more in the near future as the inflation is not under control. This will give investors another opportunity to invest in fixed deposits which will give them return in addition to security. Steel prices, cement prices and real estate prices are also to rise in the near future. And home loans are also increasing so as to contain the rapid growth in the real estate sector. This will again lead to decrease in the value of such related stocks.
Again the introduction of VAT will result in high prices for the cigarrate industry. Again decreasing the value of ITC and other such related stocks.
The price of fuel is also decreasing day by day and the oil companies are also not getting new discoveries and thus will affect their valuation.
Their is also a possibility of the US economy to slow down. If it happens then the services and the pharma industry which depends on the US and European markets will also face recession and thus affecting the value of their stocks.
So major industries like banking, steel, cement, IT and services, pharma and oil companies which contribute a lot to the market capitalization in the Sensex may face a slow down. And as a result the Sensex may lose its bullish trend.
Finally I want to add that it is a well known fact that the Indian market is overvalued and it will see a correction in the near future. I think the near future has come. May be in June- September the market will crash.
Another important reminder is that the earlier two market crash was in 1987 and 1997. This is 2007. Have you got any relation? Its ten year difference and the last number is 7 (of 2007). May be superstitions but market also runs on speculations.......
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Jessica Lal case, Matto case, Tehelka episode are all some good (rare) things that media has contributed towards society. 1st congrats to them. But I feel that they have done more harm than good.
I will give three examples to illustrate my point-though there are plently of examples.
1) Suicide:- We all know that suicide among the youth is increasing. There are many conditions leading to this. But my point is that from where we come to know the various methods by which we can take our lives. In cinemas, in reality shows media shows us various ways in which we can kill ourselves. Hanging and burning ourselves are common but what about cutting our viens, etc. from where we got such information-from media offcourse.(recent example- movie Woh Lamhe)
2)Drinking:- This again I will contribute to media. Major parties in cinemas are shown where it is not complete without drinks. It is also shown that when you need to say some daring thing to your father or your girlfriend, you take a peg and you will be able to face it. Another is people say that they drink to drown their sorrow( but my dear friends "sorrow knows how to swim"). From where we know such things -again it is media. In some terrible tragedy or some betrayal heros go and drink leaving an impression that when you feel sad you need to drink.
3) Recent Godhra riots:- A particular man was shown with hands folded in all the major newspaper. The photo created such a huge storm. It was shown in such a way that people were going to kill him and he was pleading for mercy. But the real situation was that he pleaded with the photographers not to take photo of him. Such incidents provoke people.
Such incidents incite people into doing things that they perceive is right at that particular moment. Its high time media recognises their responsibility and act accordingly and not respond to the call of cheap publicity.
Jessica Lal case, Matto case, Tehelka episode are all some good (rare) things that media has contributed towards society. 1st congrats to them. But I feel that they have done more harm than good.
I will give three examples to illustrate my point-though there are plently of examples.
1) Suicide:- We all know that suicide among the youth is increasing. There are many conditions leading to this. But my point is that from where we come to know the various methods by which we can take our lives. In cinemas, in reality shows media shows us various ways in which we can kill ourselves. Hanging and burning ourselves are common but what about cutting our viens, etc. from where we got such information-from media offcourse.(recent example- movie Woh Lamhe)
2)Drinking:- This again I will contribute to media. Major parties in cinemas are shown where it is not complete without drinks. It is also shown that when you need to say some daring thing to your father or your girlfriend, you take a peg and you will be able to face it. Another is people say that they drink to drown their sorrow( but my dear friends "sorrow knows how to swim"). From where we know such things -again it is media. In some terrible tragedy or some betrayal heros go and drink leaving an impression that when you feel sad you need to drink.
3) Recent Godhra riots:- A particular man was shown with hands folded in all the major newspaper. The photo created such a huge storm. It was shown in such a way that people were going to kill him and he was pleading for mercy. But the real situation was that he pleaded with the photographers not to take photo of him. Such incidents provoke people.
Such incidents incite people into doing things that they perceive is right at that particular moment. Its high time media recognises their responsibility and act accordingly and not respond to the call of cheap publicity.
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