Friday, October 27, 2006

On the eve of Diwali I went to a circus show at Jamshedpur where I am staying at present for my project. In my childhood days I was more than eager to go and watch the boys, girls, the animals and off course the Joker performing in the show. As with children all over the world they were among the persons who were enjoying the most. They were laughing like anything when the joker was performing, and looking at astonishment when the boys were performing with fires and animals. The parents seeing their children in such joyous condition were much happier than the children internally.
But as I watched the show I could not enjoy as much as I would have if I were a child. As I looked at the little boys and girls, the joker (a short man), the animals performing, a strange feeling encircled me. I asked myself a question. Whether we are right in allowing the circus to continue? On one hand was their livelihood and our and the children’s right to entertainment and on the other hand was the exploitation of animals, young children and the joker who was laughed at more because of his short height. I was asking again to myself. Is it right to get entertained at the expense of others? Nobody would have come and performed like this in the stage if they got a better job, the joker was making fun of him and was making us laugh because he has to survive. Nobody would do such an act if it was not the case of ‘pappi pet’.
All through the show these questions were preventing me from enjoying the show. I am in a dilemma as to what is right or wrong, what is ethical and what is not. As the dogs, the hippopotamus, the camels, the elephants, the parrots, the monkeys, came on one by one it only showed how they were exploited. Their skins and body screamed with the torture they were facing. But at the same time if we stop going to such shows naturally these animals will be starved to death on account of low funds to feed them and if we go more, the profit will only be taken by the managers and the animals will only get less than what is necessary. If the animals are taken by the wildlife authorities and the people associated with it are rehabilitated which in case full rehabilitation is not possible because of different factors, one more question remains. Are’nt we discriminating against our child from preventing them from seeing the artists perform and all these forms of entertainment? Nowadays there is less open space for them to play, they are confined in flats with video games, TV, and the real form of entertainment that we had few years back is becoming extent. It will be sooner that these stories of us enjoying in a circus will find their way in the history books. The children are losing their touch with the nature and becoming more materialistic.
Yes, they can go to a wildlife resort and enjoy the beauty, but this is not possible for all; again due to various reasons. Even if they go it will be once in 2-3 years or even less. While circus happens every year and that too; in the same place where you are living they can atleast enjoy every year till they become grown ups.
But the million dollar question whether to allow the circus to continue still haunts me.

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